Triphonovs` Dynasty
My combine is my destiny…
As is known Yasny is the city of asbestos workers. Today, several decades after the day of foundation, at the on township-forming enterprise there are many labor dynasties. Among thousands of workers of Orenburg minerals, JSC there many people whose surnames are known to habitants of Yasny. Founders of some dynasties were, as it possible to say so, pioneers of the combine. They built the enterprise and developed its producing power. Today after receiving an education new generation come to combine`s shops to continue the business of their parents and grandparents.
The founder of labor dynasty of Triphonovs is Evdokim Vasilyevich, who with his wife Tatyana Alekseevna came to the combine in 60s years. They have got three children, grandsons but I`ll begin my story about this family from Tatyana Evdokimovna Triphonova, dispatcher of the factory, who today, on August 24, celebrates 50 years.
- Everything what we reached and who we are, we are bound to our parents, - Tatyana Evdokimovna begins the story about herself and her brothers. - We could become another: We always saw behind our eyes an example of understanding, love and mutual aid. From the childhood I and my brothers, Nikolay and Vyacheslav, were educated not by notations and morals but by their own example. Our mother, Tatyana Andreevna is the nice mistress and father, Evdokim Vasilyevich was the most honest and good man in the world, he was delicate, intelligent, liked good jokes, read a lot. We actively sported with our parents. We really had very wonderful and easy childhood.
So, our mother and father were simple and loving, honest to us and to each other. Always we worked in house and garden al together, rest - all together too - cheerfully and brightly, probably, therefore we became so amicable. Also we thank our parents that our life is connecting with the combine.
After graduating from the school I went to study in the mining secondary school in Jetygara. And in 1978 all our course went to Yasny - we worked as machinists for a year, before the start-up. Before 1990 I worked at the factory as a regulator of concentrating shop, then passed to work as a operator of the mining shop in mine and in 2003 came back to the factory, firstly as a regulator and then became a dispatcher.
This work is very interesting, but very sensitive. Imagine: For large shops of the factory, full-time operation. The goal of our work is to trace work of shops continuously, its cooperation, support the connection with other departments of the combine. All data are compounded to report, in which the specialist can see all work of the factory during the turn.
For accurate and clear work dispatcher must know all producing technology of the factory, know the technological circle or the mine and shop of end products. It is impossible to say that such wok is boring or monotonous. And our collective is very good, friendly. The main characteristics of our collective are the respect and understanding, friendship and mutual aid.
We`ve devoted ourselves to our production but also we have got families. In due time I such as any mother gave my attention and care to my son Igor. But now he is 20, he is a student of Orenburg antiaerial-rocket school It appeared that unlike many members of our large family he didn`t go to the combine and chose the other profession - the defender of native country.
On my question about the present which Tatyana wants to get on her celebration, she answered:
The most large and desired present of my destiny is the recovery of my mother, Tatyana Andreevna. And also I want that my son and relatives will be well.
Wishing that all your desires will come true. We wish you robust health, happiness and welfare.
Brothers of Tatyana Evdokimovna also connects their lives with the combine. Elder brother, Nikolay, after the school graduated from the Orsk professional technical school, worked as fitter. After military service he entered the "Stalmontazh" and worked at the building site of our combine. In 173 ht passed to the mine and already more than 30 years he have been working at boring apparatus as foreman.
With his wife Alla Panteleevna he had raised two daughters, also they have got grandchildren. Elder daughter, Inna Nikolaevna, works as a machinist in dressing-works. He husband works there too as an electrician. The husband of junior daughter Olga Nikolaevna works as an electrician an the mine.
Vyacheslav Evdokimovich Triphonov works at the combine from 1972. He was the first who got the name of Honorary Worker of the Combine. Hi began his work way in the mine , before army he worked as an electrician, and then he became a foreman at boring machines. With his wife Valentina Vasilyevna, who worked for a long time as a workshop medical sister in the Central Regional Hospital, they raised the daughter and son. Irina works as a therapist an the Central Regional Hospital and in the sanatorium-preventorium "Lenok", Dmitry became an officer.
And parents of this labor dynasty were Evdokim Vasilyevich and his wife Tatyana Andreevna. Their calf-time was in the difficult and hard period. Evdokim Vasilyevich was the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, survived 9 months of Leningrad front`s blockade and an hardest conditions defended the city at the line of Synyavinsky bogs. He registered several contusions and wounds, battle danglers.
He was taken discharge only in 1947, after 2 years after the Victory. After coming back to the native place he met his destiny - beautiful girl, Tatyana Andreevna, native of Adamovsky district with whom they spent 53 years. His family moved here from Ukraine at the time of Stolypin`s reforms and anchored in Kamenetsky village.
In this year, in March the family celebrated the 80 years of Tatyana Andreevna. She had got a very hard childhood. she kept alive terrible hunger period of 30s, finished only seven classes of the school because the War began. As the other classmates she worked as a tractor driver during the War on her full age. And in 1947 she married with Evdokim Vasilyevich.
The young family lived and worked in Kumak village. Evdokim Vasilyevich worked as the chief of food economy at gold-field. In winter of 1965 he was offered to become a vice director on provision at the ground of future combine. He was responsible for whole infrastructure of future town and combine. Supply of foods and goods of prime necessity, solutions of the common and housing problems. It was very hard, but Evdokim Vasilyevich was the man of probity and made out difficulties. And when in summer 1965 the family moved here Tatyana Andreevna entered to work at the future combine, at first as a cashier on rent an then as the operator of copy machine at the Administration.
The time was very hard, combine wasn`t announced as construction of Comecon, the influx of young builders -communists wasn`t very large. Everything only began. Builders worked without rest, lived in camping and dream about barracks. We, who live in comfortable warm houses with gas and heating, who have got hot and cold water all around the year, can`t understand enthusiast of those years, who lived and worked in terrible conditions, put out strength and health! They hadn`t got water, but they transported it from afar, and they were happy, raised their children, foundered families. They built up their new life.
And only after 22 years of work at the combine in 1987 Tatyana Andreevna went into retirement, and soon, in 1988 Evdokim Vasilyevich went into retirement too. So, they worked at the combine 45 years together, and their children more so. the whole labour period of Nikolay, Vyacheslav and Tatyana is 100 years! They gave a place to new generation, which will add to the labour period of Triphonovs their years and will celebrate this dynasty by their names.
Janna Vinogradova