Kochnevs` dynasty
"Unforgotten landmarks of working way…"
The production of the first million of tons of asbestos at the combine "Orenburgasbest" became a very important event for which chiefs, factory and office workers prepared. As soon as conveyers afforded to the shopfloor of end products first sacks of millionth ton, duty shift of loader-fork lift operator set about its acceptance. Konstantin Ivanovich Kochnev worked in this shift and remembered this day forever.
The family of Kochnevs is very famous and respect at the combine. That fact that the chief regulator of dressing-works Natalya Yuryevna Kochneva has got the name of Honorary worker of the combine, talks about various things.
Kochnevs came into Yasny in 1978. Natalya Yuryevna got the direction here after the graduating from the technical school and persuaded her husband to moved to new place. And it was correct: everything was ok. They live n perfect harmony for many years, and they were together from the first form of school!
After the colours at rocket launcher in Czechoslovakia, Konstantin Ivanovich came back to Asbest for short while. In Yasny he was waited by his wife Natalya Yuryevna and work at new combine. So, he connected his destiny with our town. At firs he worked as gas-shielded welding operator an the fourth stage, participated in preparing for starting. Then he finished the courses of drivers of automatic loaders and in 1981 became a driver of automatic loader in shop of end product. He hasn`t got any other notes in his labour book. He devoted 25 years to this work. His merits are shown by Certificates of Merit and photos at the board honor.
So, it was spent already 50 years, but it seems that everything happened only yesterday. They raised children, have got the grandson. The labor dynasty has formed: Kochnevs, their daughter Julia and son-in-law work at the factory, and don`t want to change their work. They have got desire and health - why not to work? It must say that the father of Konstantin Ivanovich was the regulator of the equipment at the factory during 12 years. So, tradition of dressers is passed from one generation to another at the combine.
Konstantin Ivanovich is not only a good worker. He is the Honorary donor of Russia and has got relevant certificate. Giving own blood for saving hundreds of lives he was addicted to good works. For this feat according to working regulation he got the name of Work veteran.
Also Konstantin Ivanovich has got hobbies: auto and sportfishing. Often all the family goes for rest to the lake and river. And Konstantin Ivanovich planned to celebrate his anniversary any where on shore, near the water. But it was rein and cold on this day. it wasn`t possible to go anywhere but he wanted very much because 50 years occurs once in person!
How much one man can do a certain person: to create a good family, to raise children, to save lives of unknown people by giving own blood. Such man is reputable and merits a acknowledgement! And Konstantin Ivanovich has got all of these.
Pavel Kulagin.